понедельник, 24 февраля 2020 г.


From the Help menu on ZoomText's main Control Panel, you can access the program's electronic User's Guide and the Help Tool, which describes the toolbar buttons and their functions in a dialog box that is supported by speech. Greater than 16x may be overkill, however, because once the letters get that big, you lose your orientation on the screen. DocReader reads text in a special environment window where text is reformatted and customized for easier viewing. Color controls help improve the clarity of the screen and mouse pointers can be resized. When you do so, most of your preferred settings will automatically be imported into the new version, which makes upgrading your program much easier. X-font fixes this problem to a large degree, but do not expect all text to be completely smooth. zoomtext 9.0

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Magnification and Display New to this version of .90 are additional magnification levels. Full, Overlay, Lens, Line, and four Docked positions. Friendly User Interface Makes it easy to access and adjust all of ZoomText features using the mouse or the keyboard.

SAM provides for the sharing zoomtest speech synthesizers and braille displays between compliant access aids. Line View is another way of viewing text with Zoomyext, in which lines of text are reformatted into one continuously scrolling line, which works much like a marquee moving across the center of the screen.

The addition of a more human-sounding voice would make the program more pleasant to use. Easy to See 1x to 36x Magnification Includes fractional powers of 1.

Each offers a unique way of viewing material on the screen. LunarPlus provides speech output for most functions that are accessed through the mouse or keyboard, including reading documents, web pages, e-mail messages, window titles, menu bars, and menu lists.

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Since then the development and testing was merged in with the team from Freedom Scientific who have provided JAWS since the 's. It also supports other SAPI 4 and 5 synthesizers that may already be installed on your computer.

This page was last edited on 23 Mayat The Zoomtfxt Line LunarPlus is a robust screen-magnification program that incorporates basic speech output. Although the documentation is informative and well organized, its presentation could be improved by increasing the font size in both manuals to the American Printing House for the Blind's recommended point font and increasing the size of the graphics. Article Topic Product Evaluation. ZoomText has 1 superior speech support for all applications, 2 many more available features, 3 a more user-friendly designed Control Panel, and 4 a better-organized and easy-to-understand set of documentation.

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zoomtext 9.0

Application Settings is yet another new feature of ZoomText. ZoomText can also be purchased and downloaded immediately from the Ai Squared web site.

Easy to Use New: After 30 days, the software must be activated for you to continue to use it. Easy to Use New: Zoomtexr offers you more for your money. Colour, Contrast and Brightness Controls Change screen colours to eliminate glare and reduce eyestrain.

You can also access online help from the Ai Squared web site, check for program updates, download program components, transfer your product license, register your product, receive e-mail technical support, read release notes, and read your ZoomText product information.

zoomtext 9.0

The reading must be stopped, the magnification level adjusted, and the Document Read feature restarted. If the Flash movie does not work you may need to download and install free Flash player plug-in Colour, Contrast and Brightness Controls Change screen colours to eliminate glare and reduce eyestrain. Each button opens a dialog box, allowing you to make desired changes. The menu bar across the top of the property sheets contains all the settings that can be found on the property sheets, as well as some more-advanced settings.

ZoomText 9.0 Magnifier/Reader - Discontinued

In Excel, it reads row and column headings, as well as the contents of the cell. The new synthesizer options will make using the program more pleasurable for many users because the speech is much less robotic sounding. The same seems to be true for e-mail messages in Ozomtext Outlook.

zoomtext 9.0

That the Getting Started with Dolphin Products Manual is not specific to LunarPlus may increase the likelihood of misunderstanding, since the reader must sort out which sections pertain to LunarPlus and which do not. There is still a small amount of degraded text, especially on web sites as tested through Internet Explorer. To make a computer Dolphin Pen friendly, you download the Dolphin Interceptor from the Dolphin web site.

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